India in the context of criminalized politics
Today India with diverse cultures, languages, religions and a vast population is believed to be the land of thousands colors (incredible India). And its democracy is well known in the world.
The benefits of democracy are many one of them is India’s overall growth and internal stability, India wouldn’t have been so stable if it hadn’t had such kind of democratic environment because democracy has allowed and equalized all the religions (Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Islam, Christianity, and Jainism), and ethnic groups to practice freely in their religious ceremonies, prayers and rituals and actively participate in various private and governmental systems and affairs.
But at the same time this democracy in India despite its merits has drawbacks too; one of these drawbacks is criminalized politics. Despite India’s fair educational system and a moderate proportion of educated people, one would find an illiterate, raper, kidnapper, or perpetrator holding the prestigious position of a minister, leader of a political party or any other high ranked position.
According to a report by NDTV that states that, “criminalization of politics in India is a growing problem, despite legal attempts to address it. In 2003 a law was introduced to prohibit the election of criminals or alleged criminals to state or central legislature. However, persons with criminal or alleged criminal backgrounds continue to hold seats in parliaments all over the country. In fact, current statistics show that some 23.2 percent of members of parliaments in India have criminal investigations or cases pending against them. The forthcoming state election in Uttar Pradesh is a case in point. An estimated 35 percent of candidates have trials and cases pending against them. The charges include rape, armed robbery and murder.”
In fact this really has an adverse effect up on the country’s prosperity and development. The economy doesn’t grow due to corruption and failure of fulfilling the projects; this is one of the main reasons for India’s slow growth and high rate of poverty. It has been 60 years now India has achieved its independence from British, but is still under threat and is trapped in internal slavery by its own trappers.
India with a beautiful natural climate and vast land (good for agriculture) and with strong labor force is still behind china and other developing countries.
How this happens?
As India’s high proportion of population is illiterate, religious and under the depression of caste system and has many poor people too (around 27% of the world’s poor people under poverty line are in India) hence corrupt politicians take the advantage of this condition of the people. They deceive and provoke peoples’ sentiments by giving them false promises either about shelter, food and job or protection of communal rights.
So some innocent people in hope of getting something positive and remedial from these types of politicians support and vote them, hence they get selected for the prestigious and high posts in the nation and thereafter become the lords and trample the rights of the same innocent people.
Who is responsible?
Well, it is definite that we would straightaway indicate to the legislatures for not making strict lows against perpetrators, executors for not executing effectively and efficiently so that crimes can be reduced with the arrest of criminals and the last judiciaries for not being so vigilant, partial and inefficient to punish and control all wrong doings.
Do you think they (legislatures, executors, and judiciaries) are the only bodies responsible for the things done in the society? Of course yes law-wise, but is not the one who steals, robs, kidnaps, rapes, or doing any other illegal activity a member of the same society? If yes, are not we responsible for the destruction of our society?
Actually it is I and you! No one else should be blamed for our doings; the person who is corrupt is elected by you and me only. We elect them for our sake and prosperity not for the sake and prosperity of the country. I and you seek personal interests in a particular person or party and we tend to prefer our personal interests over societal interest hence we select them. And at the end of the day we are the ones who are oppressed by the same people elected by us.
So what should be done?
To improve and develop the society as a whole you first need to improve yourself and thereafter preach the good, create awareness, and awaken civic sense and patriotism among people for the betterment of the society. We need to devote our selves for the future of our country and coming generations’ freedom, development and progress as our ancestors have done it for us. And we have to sacrifice our personal stakes so that we can achieve independence from criminals’ rule.
We are not ruled by them but we help them rule us! Let’s eliminate all the differences among us and vote for the right, true and eligible person. And go against race, language, and any other distinguishing characteristic of a person that mislead the whole purpose of election and selection. This is the base for all.
Today India with diverse cultures, languages, religions and a vast population is believed to be the land of thousands colors (incredible India). And its democracy is well known in the world.
The benefits of democracy are many one of them is India’s overall growth and internal stability, India wouldn’t have been so stable if it hadn’t had such kind of democratic environment because democracy has allowed and equalized all the religions (Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Islam, Christianity, and Jainism), and ethnic groups to practice freely in their religious ceremonies, prayers and rituals and actively participate in various private and governmental systems and affairs.
But at the same time this democracy in India despite its merits has drawbacks too; one of these drawbacks is criminalized politics. Despite India’s fair educational system and a moderate proportion of educated people, one would find an illiterate, raper, kidnapper, or perpetrator holding the prestigious position of a minister, leader of a political party or any other high ranked position.
According to a report by NDTV that states that, “criminalization of politics in India is a growing problem, despite legal attempts to address it. In 2003 a law was introduced to prohibit the election of criminals or alleged criminals to state or central legislature. However, persons with criminal or alleged criminal backgrounds continue to hold seats in parliaments all over the country. In fact, current statistics show that some 23.2 percent of members of parliaments in India have criminal investigations or cases pending against them. The forthcoming state election in Uttar Pradesh is a case in point. An estimated 35 percent of candidates have trials and cases pending against them. The charges include rape, armed robbery and murder.”
In fact this really has an adverse effect up on the country’s prosperity and development. The economy doesn’t grow due to corruption and failure of fulfilling the projects; this is one of the main reasons for India’s slow growth and high rate of poverty. It has been 60 years now India has achieved its independence from British, but is still under threat and is trapped in internal slavery by its own trappers.
India with a beautiful natural climate and vast land (good for agriculture) and with strong labor force is still behind china and other developing countries.
How this happens?
As India’s high proportion of population is illiterate, religious and under the depression of caste system and has many poor people too (around 27% of the world’s poor people under poverty line are in India) hence corrupt politicians take the advantage of this condition of the people. They deceive and provoke peoples’ sentiments by giving them false promises either about shelter, food and job or protection of communal rights.
So some innocent people in hope of getting something positive and remedial from these types of politicians support and vote them, hence they get selected for the prestigious and high posts in the nation and thereafter become the lords and trample the rights of the same innocent people.
Who is responsible?
Well, it is definite that we would straightaway indicate to the legislatures for not making strict lows against perpetrators, executors for not executing effectively and efficiently so that crimes can be reduced with the arrest of criminals and the last judiciaries for not being so vigilant, partial and inefficient to punish and control all wrong doings.
Do you think they (legislatures, executors, and judiciaries) are the only bodies responsible for the things done in the society? Of course yes law-wise, but is not the one who steals, robs, kidnaps, rapes, or doing any other illegal activity a member of the same society? If yes, are not we responsible for the destruction of our society?
Actually it is I and you! No one else should be blamed for our doings; the person who is corrupt is elected by you and me only. We elect them for our sake and prosperity not for the sake and prosperity of the country. I and you seek personal interests in a particular person or party and we tend to prefer our personal interests over societal interest hence we select them. And at the end of the day we are the ones who are oppressed by the same people elected by us.
So what should be done?
To improve and develop the society as a whole you first need to improve yourself and thereafter preach the good, create awareness, and awaken civic sense and patriotism among people for the betterment of the society. We need to devote our selves for the future of our country and coming generations’ freedom, development and progress as our ancestors have done it for us. And we have to sacrifice our personal stakes so that we can achieve independence from criminals’ rule.
We are not ruled by them but we help them rule us! Let’s eliminate all the differences among us and vote for the right, true and eligible person. And go against race, language, and any other distinguishing characteristic of a person that mislead the whole purpose of election and selection. This is the base for all.
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